Latest News
March 30, 2020
Golf Tournament Postponed Until Sept. 3rd
For precautionary reasons over COVID-19, the Love Helps, inc. Golf Tournament will be postponed. The event, originally scheduled for May 19th, is now scheduled for September 3, 2020, at Vanderbilt Leg...
February 26, 2020
Save the Date for Our 2020 Kickball Tournament
The 2020 Love Helps, inc. Kickball Tournament will be held on July 11, 2020, at Cedar Hill Park in Nashville, Tennessee—save the date! This year's event will have both Corporate and Alumni...
February 25, 2020
Sponsorships Available for Golf Tournament
The 2020 Love Helps, inc. Golf Tournament is a great place to promote your business among our full field of Nashville's leading architects, engineers, contractors and more! More than 180 golfers...
February 20, 2020
Dollar General Helps Fund Reading Program
Love Helps, inc. is pleased to thank the Dollar General Literacy Foundation for their generous support of our LEADING by READING® program this school year!
This school year, more than 80 voluntee...
February 14, 2020
Tools Help Teachers Promote Positive Behavior
So far this school year, more than 140 teachers/staff from 12 participating elementary schools in Nashville have ordered more than 800 helpful products from our TOOLS for SCHOOLS program. Our sp...
February 13, 2020
Love Helps, Inc. Welcomes Citycurrent
Love Helps, inc. was pleased to host cityCURRENT in our office in February. Members got to hear about the work of Love Helps, inc. promoting literacy, student achievement and positive character...
February 12, 2020
Reading Volunteers Rock!
What to make a difference? Being a reading volunteer with Love Helps, inc. means that once a week around lunchtime you will be a rock star! You don't even have to sing—just read a bo...
January 22, 2020
Early Registration Opens for 2020 Golf Tournament
Early registration is now open for Love Helps, inc.'s 24th annual Golf Tournament to be held on May 19, 2020, at Vanderbilt Legends Club! Two shotgun starts are available: 8 AM and 1 PM! &...
January 21, 2020
Governor Lee Helps Recognize Students
Love Helps, inc. is pleased to thank Governor Bill Lee for helping us recognize and encourage more than 2,000 elementary students in 12 Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools for doing well in academic...
January 20, 2020
Love Helps, Inc. Conducts Student Workshops
Love Helps, inc. has provided in-school, student workshops for elementary students in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools this school year through our Character Education Live! program. Worksh...
January 10, 2020
Inman Associates Provides Generous Donation
Inman Associates generously donated the proceeds from their annual company golf tournament again to Love Helps, inc. We were honored and humbled to receive their wonderful gift.
The support of...
December 12, 2019
Goodlettsville Elementary Recognized at Luncheon
Love Helps, inc. was pleased to recognize Goodlettsville Elementary as our 2019 School Partner of the Year at our annual Holiday Luncheon. This public school in northern Davidson County has been...