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Become a reading volunteer and be a hero!

Would you like to become one of our reading volunteers bringing the joy of reading to young children in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools?  We provide the books and training and do the schedu...

Yearend donations impact Nashville's children

Year-end giving is a great way to support our work this school year!  We are currently serving more than 4,500 elementary students at 14 Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools.   Your giving...

Inman Associates & friends give big!

Inman Associates and their friends raised $25,000 to support Love Helps, inc. through the company's annual golf tournament!  Billy and Nancy Inman were on hand to present the big donation check t...

Key supporters honored at Holiday Luncheon

Love Helps, inc. was pleased to honor several key supporters at the 25th annual Love Helps, inc. Holiday Luncheon presented by Inman Associates in December at the Frist Art Museum.  Mr. Curtis "B...

Hundreds of students served by our readers!

More than 400 kindergarten and first grade students in Nashville, TN have heard great stories this fall thanks to our amazing volunteer readers!  Stories from our special collection promoted lite...

Register now for our 25th annual Holiday Luncheon at the Frist Art Museum

Registration is now open for the  25th annual Love Helps, inc. Holiday Lunceon presented by Inman Associates to be held on December 7, 2023, at our new location at the Frist Art Museum in Nashvil...

We thank early sponsors of our 2023 Holiday Luncheon

We thank your early sponsors of our 25th annual Holiday Luncheon, including Inman Associates, HCA Healthcare/TriStar Health, Lee Company, and R. G. Anderson Company, Inc.!  Sponsorships are still...

Senator Blackburn helps congratulate students

More than 1,800 MNPS elementary students who earned Love Helps, inc.'s Triple "A" Achiever® Award at the end of the first grading period not only received an award certificate but also received a...

Final call to register for the 6th annual PowerLunch Golf Challenge!

Register your team or sponsorship by October 6th to secure your team or sponsorship to join design and construction teams already signed  up for Love Helps, inc.'s 2023 PowerLunch Golf Challenge...

Sign up to volunteer at our Topgolf fundraiser

Volunteers are needed to support our 2023 PowerLunch Golf Challenge fundraiser at Topgolf-Nashville on October 18th.  Volunteers will need to commit to work from 8 AM–3 PM. Volunteers will...

Reading volunteer sign-up continues

We are now recuiting volunteers to read for 15 minutes around lunchtime once a week for at least a couple of months to classroom of kindergarten students at a participating Metropolitan Nashville Publ...

Register early & save for the 2023 PowerLunch Golf Challenge

Register early to secure your team or sponsorship for the 6th annual PowerLunch Golf Challenge at Topgolf-Nashville to support Love Helps, inc.'s work in Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools this com...