Hermitage Lighting signs on as a major sponsor
Love Helps, inc. proudly announces that Hermitage Lighting will be one of our major sponsors for our 2019 Golf Tournament!
John Whitaker with Hermitage Lignting appreciates the work of Love Helps, inc. to support children in Nashville. "Hermitage Lighting is proud to be a part a program that works with young people to get them off to a solid start. My wife has taught for 38 years and I know first hand the challenges of children," he states.
We appreciate Hermitage Lighting's support and know our golfers will look forward to seeing them at hole #9 this year! They always have something fun for our golfers to check out!
For more information about our 2019 Golf Touranament, visit http://LoveHelps.org/golf. Also, don't forget to check out the latest from Hermitage Lighting at https://www.hermitagelighting.com.